January 2024 Tuition Prices

ERDC & Private Pay Accepted

Infant/Toddler Tuition

Price includes snacks for children eating table food. Infants required to bring their own labeled and prepared bottles.

Full-day Childcare, Ages 1.5 months -2 years

 T/Th Full-Day: $850month

MWF Full-Day: $1,056/month

Full-Day/Full-Week: $1,367/month

Full-day Childcare, Ages 2 - 3

T/Th Full-Day: $775/month

MWF Full-Day: $1,000/month

Full-Day/Full-Week: $1,208/month

Drop In Daily Rate: $75

Registration Fee $150 (bill to ERDC available)

*We Require 30 Days' Notice to Terminate Enrollment*

Preschool & School Age

Prices include snacks and milk. Must be potty-trained to qualify for Preschool Tuition. 

Morning Only Class Times: 8:30am - 12:30pm

Preschool Class, Ages 3 - 5: 

T/Th Class: $325/month

MWF Class: $450/month

Full-Week: $695 /month

Full-day Childcare, Preschool Age: +$50 non-potty Trained.

Part-Time: $800

Full-Day/Full-Week: $1,033/month

School Age, 6 years & Up (Summer*)

Part-Time: $800

Full-Week*: $1,000/m

Drop-In Daily Rate: $50

We can adjust rates as needed for odd schedules, or something not listed on this page. Please don't hesitate to ask! 

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